Monday, September 1, 2008

Beauty Sleep

Beauty sleep is a complete, good rest that helps drastically reduce stress hormones. A good sleep is one of those freebies that nature has bequeathed us as it is perhaps the beauty treatment that you will obtain for nothing. Imagine exchanging those beauty creams, make up and facials for a free, sound sleep that gives you a fresh, glowing and relaxed look in all the places that you desire. Most of the skin medicines around contain is mild tranquilizer to help you relax, reducing stress on your skin muscles.

Importance of Beauty Sleep

It is a fact that lack of sleep leaves most people irritable but not many of us know that lack of a good sleep has untold consequences on your skin. Beauty sleep is also crucial in maintaining your general mental and physical health. During sleep your skin gets an opportunity to be hydrated. When you’re asleep, syperhydrators attract moisture to the skin and also prevent it from evaporating from the surface of the skin. Increasingly, evidence indicates that our skins are more receptive to vital active ingredients while we sleep as they’re not being destroyed by pollution, sun or make up that are there during the day.

A good beauty sleep improves the texture of the skin, especially if it is eight hours of sleep each night. During the night, skin-destroying and other harmful effects arising out of stress are fought off. However, puffy bags, fine lines or left dark circles, are all harmful consequences of sleep deprivation. With no proper sleep that your body requires you end up looking older with your skin drier than before. Enough sleep allows your skin to renew and refresh itself, further enhancing your skin’s good health and beauty.

Steps to Achieve Beauty Sleep

Experts on sleep tell us that eight hours of sleep is the standard requirement. However, our bodies differ and hence you need to know how many hours your body requires for some require less and others more. But it is agreed that anything between six and eight hours is the ideal. So how do you achieve good sleep?

Take a Relaxing Bath Before Sleep

A relaxing, bath before you sleep will bring about sleep. Allocate half an hour to a relaxing bath, brushing your teeth and hair after which you can take a glass of warm milk. You can also cleanse your face after this. All these activities prepare you for a beauty sleep. Remember not to light up the bathroom vividly as this will make your body stop producing the melatonin hormone that induces sleep. The chemistry behind a relaxing bath is that when your body temperature goes up immediately after the bath, by the time you sleep it will fall significantly hence causing sleep.

Establish A Bedtime Routine

Form a routine that you can adhere to before going to sleep. It could be that you practice yoga, deep breathing or you get a massage from your partner. Look for some simple, relaxing routine that you’ll be able to follow to help your body release tensions it may have suffered during the day. Try to rearrange your evenings to see that you get some time to help your body relax before sleeping. Remember that you shouldn’t change your bedtime so be strict in ensuring that you sleep, wake up at the same times every day, including the weekends as this helps your body acquire a sleep rhythm that regulates it when the times come; if it’s sleep time, your body knows – same to wake up time.

Exercise Regularly

A 30-minute exercise daily will help you get sleepy and ensure a good sleep at night. Make time for exercise especially in the mornings if your schedule can allow it. Taking a gentle walk after dinner or just a quiet stroll will help get you in the mood to sleep. this not withstanding, exercise should be avoided late at night or too close to bedtime.

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