Monday, September 1, 2008


With its origin from Latin words Pedis; foot and Cura, cure. Therefore, pedicure means the care given to our feet, legs and toe nails. Largely it is a way to improve the look of our feet and their nails. The purpose of pedicure is diverse. For us to avoid hard and scale-like skins, pedicure is fundamental. When we pedicure, our skins remain soft and smooth. Related to this, we pedicure to keep our nails clean, well-shaped and shiny. Many a people do not care keeping their feet clean, fair and in good condition. Giving your feet a pedicure achieves this. Above all, blood circulation in the body is vital to good health. Pedicure improves this, by nourishing the leg skin and foot muscles.

For us to achieve the goals of pedicure, we should have a number of items. Among these Hydrogen Peroxide, nail cutters, nail flier, bleach Pumice stone, cuticle scissors, nail paint buffer, sponge, lukewarm water, small tub for foot bath pedicure shampoo, antiseptic lotion, oil, cream and foot powder and many others that maybe necessary. With all this, one needs to understand procedures for a good pedicure to be achieved.

How to Do a Pedicure

Some of the steps involved are: Removing polish from nails should be done with a lint-free cotton pad. Saturate the cotton on the nail and let it soak first. Note that rubbing Whitening toothpaste on one’s nails helps remove the polish faster. Lemon or lavender oil drops on each nail and rubbing a buffer back and forth over the nail also works. 2. Alcohol and acetone-free removers are less drying, but don’t apply on shades that appear dark. ‘Free’ stuff is used on lighter shades. Following the removal of polish from nails is clipping nails. Use quality clippers to cut straight across just above the skin the nail should not extend the tip of your toe. Files maybe used to achieve this.

Soaking one’s feet is the third step. Warm bath salted water and aromatherapy oils are used when soaking feet. Soak your feet for at least 10 minutes. Stay longer if your feet are cracked and callus. Add some milk to your bath along with essential oils and salts to loosen dead skin. Trim cuticles. Application of cuticle remover nail bases for a minute and using an orangewood stick, pushing with a circular motion removes dead skin on top of the nail allows you not to touch toe flesh. Scrubbing your feet: Apply foot scrub to a foot file or wet pumice stone to remove dead skin on balls and heels of your feet. To remove dead skin around balls, bottoms and sides of your heels and the toes. Sit on the side of the bath tub to achieve a coverage position. Stop if your feet turn bright red for this means your feet have scrubbed too hard. Dry feet thoroughly between toes and rub in a thick foot cream. Rehydrate the cuticles in a dab of cuticle oil.

After the above step, polish your toes. Use acetone remover to remove excess oils on the nails. Apply a thin base coat using 3 strokes, one down, the middle, and one on each side. Don’t paint the cuticle. Wait for a minute. Add 2 favorable coats of polish. Finish with a thin top coat. Clean any errors with an orangewood stick wrapped in cotton and dipped in acetone remover. Let the nails to dry for 40 minutes. To prevent chipping, paint any polish remaining on the brush over the front edges of the nails. Finally finish up, after the nails have died. Sprits with a moisturizing oil to set your polish and moisturize your cuticles. This will give you a good pedicure.

Take Care

Apply antiseptics if skin is broken, avoid excessive friction when buffing nails, avoid dropping sharp objects, keep hands dry when handling containers, label & cover implements used, do not file nails deeply, bluntened sharp edged implement and always sanitize hands before starting pedicuring.

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