Monday, September 1, 2008


Manicure is a word derived from Latin manus meaning (hand) and cure (care). It is a cosmetic beauty treatment for fingernails and hands. It originated in 19th century becoming popular in 1920s and 30s. Its style is simple and gives nails a natural and clean look.

The French manicure is more often expensive than other types. The designs are always air brushed on the nails using a stencil or painted with a nail polish. It can also be done at home using a stencil to apply nail polish. Some fashion experts think that it is outdated, while some think that it’s a classic that will never go out of its simplicity and natural look that it gives. It also makes the nails to look clean and well-groomed. French manicure involves painting nails with white paint on the tips and coating the rest of the nail with pink coat or sheer polish that is colored pale. It’s suitable for short nails and those with moderate length. You will need the following tools and instructions for you to make a perfect French manicure. A base coat, a color varnish, a top coat, a white or cream tip varnish, nail varnish, a top coat, cuticle oil or any edible oil, a cuticle stick, an emery board, a cotton pad, some hand and nail moisturizer.

Steps to Follow

Get rid of any old nail varnish by using the nail varnish remover on a cotton pad. Apply some cuticle oil and massage it in leave it on while filling to soften your nails. You can then file your nails using emery board, by running it along it along the nail tip in one direction for your desired shape. Soften your cuticles by soaking your hands in warm water for 15 minutes. You can also apply cuticle remover to your nails. Give your hands a good amount of moisturizer by coating and wrapping them in a clung film for 15 minutes. This also softens the cuticles. You can also remove the dead cuticles by using a cuticle stick to rub around them in small circus and push the remaining cuticle back. Wash your hands to clean away nail dust and grime, so that you don’t seal it in. You can remove any oil residue using nail varnish, since the oil can cause the varnish to flake off. After all this, you can strokes. This protects your nails from being stained by pigments in the colored varnish.

You can use a pink white or cream color for the tip. Cream is preferable because of its natural look. Apply it by drawing a thin line of varnish across the natural white tip of the nail. If the line is un even, leave it to dry then make another line over it, when you put on the next layer of varnish, you should leave the previous one to dry completely to make the tip application easier, cut a small piece of cardboard in to a diamond shape then put your nail in it and brush along the white tip. This stops the varnish from going on the skin you can then apply on the color, you can put on more layers to deepen the color as per your desire. The preferred color to use is transparent pink or beige. After the color application, apply a top coat which is a hard clear layer. It seals the color and protects the nail. Leave it to dry for at least 5 minutes.

Tidy up your nails using a cuticle stick with a little cotton wool and the nail varnish remover to remove the little varnish around your nail skin. If you smudge the top coat or tip, you can remove all the nail varnish on the nail and start again after the process is over, you can now put the varnish away and use a nail varnish remover away and use a nail varnish remover on a paper tissue to wipe around the bottle. This prevents it from becoming sealed, shut by the end of this process your fingernails will be bearing a perfect beautiful French manicure if you follow the procedure very carefully.

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