Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Daily Cleansing

Daily cleansing of your face is a must if you want healthy looking skin. Depending on your skin type there are various ways to take care of your skin on a daily basis. Below are the various skin types from normal, sensitive, oily, dry, and combination skin. Everyone has at least one of these or more throughout their life time. Some are more a hassle than others, but once you figure out what works for you, you will survive and have healthy glowing skin.

Normal Skin Type

If you have normal skin type then you are very lucky. For this type of skin there isn’t much that you have to do other than wash your face daily and have a healthy diet along with plenty of water in order to keep your skin superb. Using a daily moisturizer is always something you should do as well as a daily cleanser to remove all the dirt and grime buildup from everyday life.

Sensitive Skin Type

If your type that has sensitive skin then there are a lot of different ways to cleanse that aren’t too harsh. Thousands do people have sensitive skin and go through the battle of trying to keep it under control. With sensitive skin, you go may go through all the skin types from normal, dry, oily, or a combination of them all from time to time. You should wash your face with cleansers that are designed for sensitive skin. These types of cleansers don’t have harsh chemicals, artificial colors, or a lot of oil based products. Natural products are sometimes the best to look for when seeking out ways to treat sensitive skin.

Oily Skin Type

Oily skin can be one of the most difficult to battle compared to all the other types. When your skin produces more oil than normal, this causes you to have out of control skin where your pores get clogged and that starts a whole chain reaction for pimples, blackheads, white heads, as well as other embarrassing blemishes that you don’t want to have.

Look for products that are formulated for oily skin. Cleansing your skin with hot water helps to dissolve some of the oil. Make sure the water isn’t too hot though or it may burn your skin. When you being a moisturizing treatment on your skin be sure to check if it has oils in the product; you definitely don’t want to add more oil to an already oily canvas. Choose something that is natural, usually oil free and gives you a shine free complexion that you’ve been looking for.

Dry Skin Type

Dry skin is yet another type that thousands of people suffer from throughout the year. Environmental elements usually are the cause of it, but sometimes it is in our bodies themselves that doesn’t allow us to produce enough oil to keep our skin naturally moisturized. For dry skin the most important cleansing products are a mild cleanser with moisturizing elements in it as well as a separate moisturizer throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water and a well balanced diet is another way of keeping dry skin at bay. Hydrating your body will help in hydrating your skin.

Combination Skin Type

Combination skin involves the T-Zone. The T-Zone is the areas of the forehead, nose and chin. These tend be either oily or dry at anytime of the year. When the rest of your face is normal, you may have the T-Zone area oily. There are products made for these specific problems of combination skin.

The combinations vary from person to person as well as day to day for one person. Treating combination skin can be tricky due to the way your body produces oils or doesn’t produce oils. Try a combination skin care line and stick with it on a daily basis if it works for you. Trial and error is sometimes the best way to find this out. Eating a well balanced diet can help in keeping combination skin under control as well.

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