Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Knowing your Skin Type

As we all know, skin care is a very important daily routine in our lives. Having healthy skin gives us all confidence and goes along with good hygiene practices. Coming up with a cleaning ritual for your face should be an important part of your daily hygiene. Just washing your face with soap and water isn’t a guarantee of removing all the dirt and grime that builds up on face everyday. You should try a deep cleanser that is safe for daily use. The cleansers that aren’t for daily use tends to dry out your skin and remove that healthy glow that we all seek.

Knowing your skin type is one of the first and most important things to know before you start with any type of skin care regiment. There are generally five different skin types. There are normal, oily or greasy, sensitive, dry, and of course combinational skin.

Normal Skin Types

Normal skin usually looks more vibrant, moist, and plump consistently. This type of skin type doesn’t really need all of the special cleansers to keep it looking great other than the usual washing and toning and in some cases a bit of moisturizer. It is a blessing to have normal skin, but chances are your skin is one of the other four types of skin types.

Dry Skin Types

Dry skin is caused due to inactive oil glands or oil glands that just don’t produce enough oil for the skin to be naturally lubricated. If your skin is dry, it probably has a dull look, feels dry to the touch, and feels sensitive and itchy at times. With dry skin, you may want to find a good deep moisturizer to keep your skin looking healthy.

Oily Skin Types

Oily skin types are just the opposite of dry skin. In this case the oil glands produce way too much oil and give your skin that greasy feeling. With all of the oil that your glands are producing, it causes clogged pores which lead to breakouts and enlarged pores. The upside to oily skin, if you can believe that there is an upside to it, is that this type of skin looks more supple and gives your face a much younger look. To defeat the oil, you should use a daily mask. Be sure that it is safe for daily use so it doesn’t dry your skin out. Periodical herbal steam treatments seem to defeat the oil attacks on your skin as well.

Sensitive Skin Types

Sensitive skin is yet another problem for thousands of people. This sometimes is one of the most difficult to get under control. This is because if you have sensitive skin you may have to battle oily, normal, and dry skin either in different seasons of the year or all year around. Sensitive skin types tend to react with their environment. If you’re using cosmetics, your skin may break out if it contains ingredients such as alcohol, artificial colors, fragrance, or oils. When you are searching for items to treat sensitive skin, you should look for products that are gentle on skin or designed for sensitive skin.

Combination Skin Types

The last but not least important type of skin is combination skin. Though it is much similar to sensitive skin, it is very different as well. With combination skin, you will usually have an oily T-Zone. The T-Zone is the area on the forehead, chin, and nose. Your cheeks, mouth, and eyes are usually either normal or dry if you have combination skin. For this type of skin, your cleaning routine will be a bit different that for other skin types. You will have to use a combination of products designed to treat the various combinations.

Keeping That Special Glow

On a daily basis you should wash your face as much as possible, remove fried foods from your diet and replace them with vegetables and fruit. Some say that washing your face with a mix of ice water and lime juice helps to keep your skin healthy as well.

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