Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Daily Natural Skin Care

Having a daily natural skin care regiment is something that everyone needs. Natural skin care is when you use ingredients that are in the natural form and not the artificial forms like you’d purchase in a local retail store. You can go to a local health food store or your round the corner grocery store to get most of these natural skin care products.

You should know your skin type however before starting any skin care regiment. This will prevent you from over oiling skin that is oily to begin with or over drying skin that is already dry and so on. Determining your skin type is fairly easy. If your blot your skin with a tissue and it comes back with a oily spot on it, then your skin type is oily. If your skin tends to flake then you have dry skin. If you skin is normal with either oil or dryness in the T-Zone, then you most likely have combination skin. And if you have none of these then your skin type is most likely normal. You may have sensitive skin if you have a few or more of the types listed above. Finding this out will help you to find the perfect moisturizers, cleansers, and toners with out using trial and error or causing more skin problems along the way.

Natural Moisturizers

Avocado naturally moisturizes your skin as do beet, carrots, cocoa butter, corn syrup, dandelion, glycerin, lanolin, lard, and mayonnaise. Most of those natural moisturizers can be found in various skin care moisturizers or you can purchase the oils in some of these and use them at full strength. Naturally moisturizing your skin is a lot healthier than using over the counter moisturizers by a long shot.

Aloe Vera is a great moisturizer as well as having a lot of other properties. In most cosmetics on the market, Aloe Vera is the main ingredient along with water since it has the strongest ability to moisturize the skin. It is used for sunburn relief as well as offering reverse effects on wrinkles, creases, and age spots on the skin.

If dry skin is an issue oils like almond, peanut, or olive are great in battling it. Keeping your skin moisturized is a great way to keep it looking healthy throughout the years and keeps it looking younger as well. The younger your skin looks and feels the better you’ll feel about yourself on a daily basis.


Along with moisturizing your skin, you also want it clean. Yoghurt, pineapple, mayonnaise, and cocoa butter are natural cleansers for your face that are safe and have moisturizing properties as well. Cleaning your skin daily is very important part of your skin care. Removing all of the dirt, grime, and makeup from the day helps to improve the look and feel of your skin.

Toning Your Face

There are a few that are great for toning your face as well. Chamomile works great for toning all types of complexions. Sage helps to tone oily skin types as well as strawberry which is also used as an anti blemish treatment. Trying out various toning regiment is a great way to find out what works and what doesn’t.

For Soothing Skin

If you want to sooth your damaged skin you can try aloe vera, oatmeal, tea, lavender, milk, and fuchsia. Soothing your skin from sunburn or other harsh elements is a very important measurement to take. It helps your skin heal from whatever may have happened to it throughout the day. If you’ve gotten a sunburn, using aloe vera should work wonders on relieving the pain along with putting moisture into your skin. Milk works great on soothing sunburn as well. It works in soothing all skin types just as aloe vera does. Tea also works great on soothing your skin from sunburn and the damages of the cold and wind.

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