Friday, July 25, 2008

Sethu Bandhasana

Sethu Bandhasana

Sethu Bandhasana or the bridge pose increases flexibility and elasticity of your body. Sethu Bandhasana also strengthens the lower back and abdominal muscles and opens the chest. To start with lie down on your back with your knees up and hands at your side. Your feet should be placed near your hips and about six inches apart. Begin with gently raising and lowering your tail. Thereafter, raise the tailbone slowly and continue lifting the spine. Move one vertebra at a time until your entire back is vaulted upward. Give thrust with your feet and keep your knees straight and close together. Now inhale deeply into your chest. Hold your hands under your back and push against the ground. Take a couple of slow and deep breaths and repeat the process for some time. All these features make Sethu Bandhasana a complete asana (pose).

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