Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sheetkari Breathing

Sheetkari Breathing

Yoga Exercises > Pranayamas > Sheetkari Breathing.

"Sheetkari Pranayama" - a breathing technique which involves hissing leading to a cooling effect upon the whole body.

Sheetkari Breathing


  1. Sit upright in a comfortable posture, keeping the head, neck, and spine erect.
  2. Place the hands in Gyana Mudra.
  3. Open the lips and keep the teeth together.
  4. Lightly press the tip of the tongue against the lower front teeth.
  5. Inhale through the mouth over the tongue with a kind of hissing sound like the sound of the letter 's'.
  6. After filling the lungs completely, close the mouth and exhale through both nostrils without retention.
  7. Repeat five to ten times.


  • In order to be sure that the tongue remains moist, roll it back as far as possible against the palate.


  • Sheetkari pranayama improves disposition, relieves hunger and thirst.
  • It also cools the body down.
  • It is highly recommended during a fast or to help endure very hot weather.
  • It clears the complexion.

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