Friday, July 25, 2008

Virabhadrasana Pose

Virabhadrasana Pose

Virabhadrasana is an important Yoga pose. Virabhadrasana helps in strengthening legs and arms; improving balance and concentration. Virabhadrasana also builds and generates confidence. At the start you have to begin with the mountain pose with your feet together and hands at the side. Try to keep your feet 4-5 feet away and turn your right foot about 45 degrees to the left. After the last step try to turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left so that it is pointing directly to the side.

Start bending the left knee till your thigh becomes parallel to the ground. But remember to keep the knee either behind or directly over the ankle. Now begin raising your arms over the head and then slowly lower them down until your left arm is pointing directly ahead and your right arm is aiming back. Focus at a point in your front and breathe. Go for about 5 deep breaths, bring down your arms and get your legs together. After completing the abovementioned steps reverse the position.

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