Sunday, August 31, 2008

8 Minutes In The Morning

The Program

If you are still searching for the perfect program for yourself, look no further. With the goal, and enough willpower to achieve a flat belly, the 8 Minutes in the Morning to a Flat Belly holds a big chance for you to sculpt that belly of yours into the abs you’ve always wanted. It consists of three helpful plans – nutritional diet, short but effective exercise, and mental and emotional groundwork for good motivation to assist you in attaining what you are aiming for.

The Diet

Whatever you put in your mouth has an effect on your body and more visible on your belly. Extra pounds on your weight and extra fats on the belly affect a person’s overall health. Risks of diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer, high blood pressure, back and joint pains, fatigue, and varicose veins are just some of the conditions that may be eliminated by shedding those extras. The 8 Minutes in the Morning to a Flat Belly removes complicated calorie counting and limited menus canceling out your favorite food so that one stays on with the program. The balanced diet has proportionate servings of carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables and fruits plus having one’s meal every three hours. It would also help if one enjoys the meals.

The Workout

For eight minutes daily, this workout is designed to obtain great results like better posture and leaner appearance for the serious practitioner. Here are some preparations to follow:

Stretch like a cat.
Drink plenty of water.
Sit on a stable and secure chair.
Do deep and full exhalations and inhalations.

Step 1.

Start with your feet flat on floor, position them slightly apart.
Sit up straight.
Contract your abdomen and exhale deeply, preferably through your mouth, as if blowing out all the air in your lungs.
Let the abdomen reach the area nearest the spine.
Maintain and hold for 1 to 3 seconds.
Inhale deeply by filling your lungs fully as you are capable, making the belly as round as a balloon.
Do this for one minute.

Step 2.

Start with your feet flat on floor, position them slightly apart.
Sit up straight.
Hold your arms up making the elbows in line with the shoulders.
Point your fingertips towards the ceiling.
Exhale and contract your abdomen as you let your left elbow and right knee meet in front of your chest. Maintain a straight spine, slightly moving sideways.
Inhale while returning to starting position, with arms suspended.
Exhale and contract your abdomen as you let your right elbow and left knee meet in front of your chest. Maintain a straight spine, slightly moving sideways.
Inhale while returning to starting position, with arms suspended.
Alternate the positions for a minute.

Step 3.

Start with your feet flat on floor, position them slightly apart.
Sit up straight.
Hold your medicine ball and extend your arms in front of the chest area.
Exhale and contract your abdomen as you twist to your right.
Maintain a straight spine and head should always face the ball.
Inhale while returning to starting position without putting your arms down.
Repeat by doing the left side.
Alternate the positions for a minute.

Step 4.

Start with your feet flat on floor, position them slightly apart.
Sit up straight.
Place your hands on your sides as you grip the edge of the chair. Maintain stability.
Exhale and contract your abdomen as you slowly pull your knees up to the chest area.
Maintain a straight spine.
Hold this position for 1 to 3 seconds.
Inhale as you lower your knees slowly.
Do this for one minute.

Repeat each of the four steps to total eight minutes.

The Proper Motivation

This section of the 8 Minutes in the Morning to a Flat Belly may seem unnecessary but it is as crucial as the diet and the exercise. A proper motivation throughout the set timeframe to achieve the objective encourages one to develop a healthy self-esteem and to accept oneself as a complete person. Building interpersonal relationships with those of like minds will give better support too. Necessary visualizations exercises, worksheets and journals may be prepared to serve as guideposts during the program.

For a healthier new you, offer your eight minutes each day and stay focused.

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