Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lower Back Pains

“I hope you are not complaining of back ache my son. You are still young to have such a complication,” were the words of one old man to his teenage son. But would you also be surprised to find a teenager with lower back pains?

Admittedly, in the past lower back pains were known to be common with old age. Typically, back ache was known to be a disease of the old. But today, lower back pains have invaded persons of all ages and sizes. Our teenage friend above indeed had lower back pains and he is not to blame. Just as people of all sizes can have feverish complications, lower back pains attack nearly people of all ages.

It may be hard to understand the intensity of the pain that comes with lower back pains, but if you have experienced such a complication, you certainly do not need to be told further stories. The truth is that lower back pains can be painful! In light of this, our young colleagues and old ones alike having this complication may feel out of place and possibly think there is no solution to this problem which indeed in some societies has been seen as incurable.
But do you know what? There is finally light at the end of the tunnel; you have finally got the perfect solution to lower back pains. All you need to know is read on, and in not so much time you will be happily bidding farewell to lower back pains;

So what is the solution?

One philosopher once noted that the world’s irony is explained by the solution to problems. He suggested that the most complicated problems are solved by the easiest solutions. This is true for lower back pains. It is really a stressful condition but it takes just a little effort to solve. But the question remains; what is the solution?

Well, like any other problem, to solve it you must first acknowledge its existence. So the first step is to understand that you have lower back pains. If you do care about your feelings, it will be easy to acknowledge this problem.

Then take an effort to solve the problem. With lower back pains, regular exercising can be of great help. You need to do some stretching exercise. Jogging, performing press-ups, riding, yoga, and simply stretching your limps can be of miraculous help. To make your exercising stints easier, it is advisable to exercise in the early morning hours or in the wee hours of the day. Typically, exercising should not be seen as a punishment; it should be fun. This means you should do exercises that do not cause you a lot of stress. To begin with, you can start by stretching and or, jogging for about thirty minutes daily and when you are used to this, you can try some more vigorous exercises like yoga, jumping, press-ups or increase your exercising time to at least an hour. Some of these exercises like yoga may need to be performed in the gym but most of the others can easily be done at home with little stress and effort.

In addition to exercises (which are indeed crucial), you can try messaging your body, especially the lower back limps with local herbal drugs. Herbs of this nature can be found in your local area. Typically, they should serve the equivalent of Vaseline and should be easy to come by.

Eating calcium giving foods like animal bone marrow, bones (bony meat for non-vegetarians), fish and fish products, greens and fruits can also be of help. In some cases, you may need to consider a weight loss program, especially where excess weight is seen to be the cause for such pains.

If this is done, you will perfectly rid yourself of lower back pains. Of course if it needs more emphasis, it must be pointed out that regular exercising is the perfect solution to lower back pains. It is easy and cheap to administer and does not require a lot of effort or physical ability to accomplish. So please get rid of back pains to day.

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