Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bid farewell to lower back pain

Ever heard of this story; ‘Man seats in a taxi. His back begins to creak, making a funny sound. All those in the taxi ask the driver to stop. They all get off the taxi running away in fear of the lousy noise from the man’s back.’

A rather funny story! Isn’t it? Yes, funny but true. Lower back pain has become one of the greatest challenges of our day. It does not matter what age you are, your size, gender or even physical ability – back pains have become almost universal.

The bad news of it all is that they are very painful and unbearable. But isn’t there a remedy? Certainly there must be. For a problem is only one if it has a solution! And by the way, lower back pain is one of the easiest ailments that one can get rid of in just a couple of days. So that must be good news, but how does one get rid of them so easily?

The real solution

Without being so religious, the first step is to have faith. Believe that the pains will be no more with your sincere effort. No part of the human body is as powerful as the mind. For it controls all other aspects of the body, heart and soul. So the golden rule here is just simple – believe in your own heart that your pains will be relieved. No matter how ‘rusty’ your bones or limps have become! But that’s not all…

Once your mindset is dealt with, then the next step is to make a physical effort. This is best done through exercising. Do plenty of exercises. It must be pointed out that such exercises do not have to be straining and demanding. Just relax, do exercises that you feel comfortable with and always remember to play it safe!

Doing such exercises does not demand that one should be athletic, acrobatic or even ‘physically well built’. What all this means is that you should never find excuses for lack of exercises. Let us make it simpler. To start with, you can do stretching exercises, then move on to jogging, jumping, then to exercises like yoga and others. In fact, every physical thing you do is an exercise should be designed in a way that you are stretching your muscles. When standing, try to stand straight, lean forward and touch your toes then back to straight standing position. When seated on a mat, try to straighten your legs on the ground and then slowly move your head to the knees, then up and try to stretch your fingers to the toes. Even when lying on a couch, try to stretch yourself as much as you can.

So what does all this mean? It simply means, exercising has no time restrictions. You can do it any time, any where in any position. One must also remember that this is not a punishment nor is it a competition – so it should be done reserving the fun of it all.

It may also need pointing out that these are not strict therapeutic instructions but merely suggestions that have worked for many and can work for anyone. And by the way, even if you do not feel lower back pain now, just do the exercises. You do not have to wait for the pains to exercise. It’s just fun and exciting and, physical fitness is part and parcel of any healthy living.

For those who already have lower back pain, you have found the perfect answer and remember – your back does not have to creak like that of our beloved friend who was embarrassed in a taxi!

Just make the effort now and not so long from now, lower back pain will be history. And by the way, why should you keep with a painful back? You simply don’t need to be comfortable with a creaking or even painful back!

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