Sunday, August 31, 2008


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be happy when they do net even have what you would call the best of everything? They are not so rich, they are not very healthy, they are not necessarily beautiful but they always look happy.

Such people have a secret to life that many have not discovered. It is the one thing you need and you will live your life like there has never been a problem. Even when you are facing extreme lack, possibly with no money, or friends and relatives have disappointed you or you have lost a dear one, there is one thing that would change your life for the better. And that is meditation.

The power of meditation

‘Mama, who is the mother of stress?’ A child asked her mother when she complained she was stressed. What would be your answer if you were given such a question? You possibly would say stress has no mother or simply rubbish the question as childish nonsense.

But do you know that there is nothing that has entered many people’s lives as stress? One would rightly call it the world’s most popular epidemic. Yes, stress is an epidemic. It will eat you slowly until you remain bony or even up to death.

The best answer to the child’s question is that the mother of stress is the mind. Stress may be as a result of the things we encounter in life but what stresses you may not cause as much stress to another person. The way we think and our problem solving skills make the entire difference. That is the way we meditate about problems and challenges. Meditation has an impact on both our physical and psychological health. A stressed mind can not be housed in a healthy body! Thinking positive or keeping the right peace of mind and being optimistic about the unknown is the only way to a healthy living. All our systems are affected by our brains, and such is the power of meditation on our lives. So how do you meditate?

The right way to meditate

Life is not lived twice, at least on this seven-continent planet! This means any moment you spend stressed will never be lived happily. If you decided to condemn or even punish yourself for all your failures today, you would never get back this day for you to live it happily.
So, how does one meditate in a positive way in this world where everything seems to be turning the other way round? Problems, failures, temptations, challenges and calamity are the order of the day. So how can one afford to live happily?

Two family men lost their jobs because of late coming. They all did not have money to provide for their families for the next day and had arrived late for work because they had to walk a fifty-mile distance to work as they had no money for transport. They only hoped to work that day and use the day’s allowance to buy food. Now here they were, sacked and left with the fifty-mile distance back home on hungry stomachs. One chose to commit suicide and rid himself of the world’s troubles while the other decided to look for someone to explain his problems to and request for an odd job, just for a living. In this case, who arrived at the better solution? It is therefore not the intensity of the problem that matters but the way we think about it. When meditating about problems, it is important to know that however strong they may be, they have an end and indeed a solution.

The other thing is to know that you are not alone. A positive-minded person will always remember that whatever the situation they are in; there are people who are suffering more than that. A young child who loses all her parents on a single day is better off than one who loses both her parents and her life. So, if you abruptly lost your job, it would be a good idea to remember that you have not lost your academic papers, or even your life. If you failed to raise money to buy the best food you want, it is important that instead of feeling bad about your failure to afford the best, think about the hundreds of beggars and street children who sleep on hungry stomachs almost daily. So try to be content with the little or poor you have. This will keep you in good shape.

Therefore, our minds are so important to our health. If you always think positively, you will always be happy and please life is too short to waste on meditating about failures. Think positive!

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