Sunday, August 31, 2008

Body Building Workout

Know the Perfect Body and Body Parts

Body building is just that - building body for health and beauty. Since time immemorial, man has been obsessed with the physical form producing standards bordering from the comical to the most profound. Body building workout combines lifting weights, a sensible nutritional plan of calories, protein, carbohydrates and supplements and having an adequate number of hours of sleep to boost muscle growth.

Before one tackles what bodybuilding workout to do, it is important for one to know what look one wants to achieve. It could be the physique of a Greek god, Superman or Arnold. Next is to familiarize oneself with the body parts one ought to develop.

The well-known biceps, triceps and forearms, these three muscles form the arm. The most common bodybuilding workout for the arms are:

Barbell Curl
Preacher Curl
Dumbbell Curl
Concentration Curl
Wrist Curl
Triceps Pushdown
Lying Extensions

Shoulder muscles are the most challenging to develop. However, exercises such as Shoulder Presses and Shrugs are the best. Bodybuilders also avail themselves of the Dumbbell Presses, Lateral Raises, Upright Rows and Bent-over Lateral Raises.

The chest is recognized as the all-time bodybuilders’ favorite part. It is the workhorse muscle as it is the muscle most concentrated on. The upper and lower chests are the two parts that make up the chest. The best exercise for both parts of this muscle is the Bench Press. Some variations of this exercise include: Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Incline Barbell Bench Press and Dumbbell Bench Press. The Pec Dec Fly and Dumbbell Fly exercises work great too.

Apparently, the biggest muscle of the body can be found in the back. It is comprised of the upper back, lower back and the sides. The Lateral Pull-downs and Seated Pulley Rows work effectively for the upper back while the Superman Stretch matches the needs of the lower back. Other popular exercises for the back are Chins (pull-ups), One-arm Row, Seated Cable Row, Bent-over Barbell Row, Straight-arm Pull-downs, Dumbbell Shrug, Back Extension on the floor and Back Extension with Swiss Ball.

Legs, same as the arms, have three muscles forming it. These are the quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. Squats are the best exercises for quadriceps, Leg Curls and Stiff-legged Dead Lifts are for hamstrings and Calf-Raises qualify for the calves. For the hard to please bodybuilder, there are other workouts out there to choose from such as Leg Presses, Leg Extensions, Front Lunges, Reverse Lunges and Calf-Presses that would cater to his whims.
Bodybuilders and almost everyone else have developed a great desire for a tighter abdomen. When a contraction is being done in the abdomen area, the tummy’s muscles begin to build up. However, developing the abs may seem like forever before one sees good results. So you just hang in there! The Swiss Ball Crunch, Reverse Crunch, Oblique Crunch and Side Crunch are variations of the Crunch workout. These are proven effective for the upper abs. Pelvic Tilts and Side Bends aim for the lower abs and the side abs, respectively.
Work it

Contrary to the belief that there exists a perfect body building program suitable for everyone, there is none. Exercises vary according to a particular need of one bodybuilder to that of another. The kind of weights to lift, the intensity of the exercises, the number of sets and repetitions needed to be done, the appropriate equipment to use would all depend on the body’s capacity to handle. A trainer could be of great assistance during this time as he can help a bodybuilder to focus more on working rather than going through the whole lot of customizing his own bodybuilding program. Reading books on the personal experiences of bodybuilders who have won contests may help too. So with the perfect visualization of your perfect self and an intense desire to achieve it, go for it. The universe is just waiting to see your Body Beautiful!

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