Sunday, August 31, 2008

Stretching Exercises

In the past I thought having an interest in simple things is a sign of mediocrity. They had told me that good things do not come easily. So all I believed was I had to go for harder and complicated things if I am to get the best.
But do you know what? I got the surprise of a lifetime. Simple stretching exercises have worked for me. I can not imagine there is a better way I can stay fit than just stretching. I should possibly tell you before I forget that I was a victim of lower back pains, I had joint and ankle strains and by the way, I found difficulty waking up if I slept. Simply stated, I had become a weakling.
But miraculously, simple stretching exercises worked for me and I am possibly as fit as any man could be. So how did I do it?

How stretching exercises work

When I told a colleague that I will share my story with you, she reminded me to tell you how you can do your stretching exercises with ease. And trust her advice, for she is the one who taught me. But do you know what this also means? It means these exercises can work for both men and women because what worked for her has worked for me. So what is wrong with you to think you can not be relieved by stretching exercises? I know you are most probably either male or female, and indeed if I guessed right, then look no further – stretching exercises will work for you.But back to how we do it; the fun of stretching exercises is that you can do them as if you are joking. Even when in your bed, you can try to make your height fill the entire bed. I mean simply force your head to touch one end and the toes to touch the other. Do not tell me you are too short because it will even work for you best. Remember it is not a competition, so you have no reason to fear failing to score highly. Just stretch as far as you can go. Now that is fun and I tell you, you will even laugh yourself silly when doing it. This means you are not straining.

The other way to stretch is to lie down on the floor, try to make sure your body does not make any curve. This means you should form an ankle of one hundred eighty degrees on the ground. However, this may not be good for pregnant mothers, especially those in their later months of pregnancy but to others, this should be real fun. Stretching on the ground should provide a thrilling experience and remember as we agreed earlier; this is neither a competition nor a punishment. So just try as hard to pass the test but make sure you continue only if you are not being hurt.

So how does it work? Here we go… stretching straightens the joints. This means after stretching one is able to freely move their limbs with ease. By the way, did I tell you that these days when I decide to move any part of my body people ask me if I do have bones? They do. In simple terms, I am now able to twist my body just like a snake! Isn’t that all you would need?

If you would, then why not just stretch? Simple stretching exercises have made me a fitness wizard and yet it takes a little effort to do that. So what are you waiting for?

The fun of it all

I must not forget to tell you this… stretching exercise are less demanding physically, compared to other types of exercises. Everyone can do them, irrespective of age, gender and physical ability.They are less expensive to perform as they do not require special dress and can be done at home with ease. They are also less risky when it comes to possible injuries during exercise and again they are a real fun. They are virtually rib breakers – you can not avoid laughing off the real idea that you are failing to stretch to perfection.

So what else do you want? I swear if I was you, I would have started stretching right away. Good luck please…

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