Sunday, August 31, 2008

How to Meditate?

“I had never thought or even believed I had a brain not until the time I was about to commit suicide. That’s when I had lost my job – breaking the news to my wife she told me she was divorcing and all I saw was a dark and disappointing future in front of me.” These were the words of a friend who was seeking the guidance of a counselor on how to meditate.
Such words may seem strange, more so if you are told these statements were uttered by an intelligent young man, but have you ever known the power of meditation? You may have never taken time to think about it – but just spare some time and see what meditation can do…

The power of meditation

Meditation is the single most important pill that creates all the difference between individuals. Winners and losers, impatient and resilient people or even bad and good lovers are determined by the way one meditates. If there is anything you want to improve in your life, just learn how to meditate. Meditation will make all the difference in the world!
Possibly our young friend who contemplated suicide should not even have sought the services of a counselor but should have just checked the way he thinks – and that is meditation.

It must also be pointed out that meditation determines our health and wellbeing. We are often told someone may run mad if they don’t check the way they think. This is absolutely true! If you decide to delve too much on life’s troubles, you may lose track of whether there is anything to live for. Yes, one may be crazy because of the way they think. Have you ever asked yourself why a little disappointment turns to be an issue to some people when others just brush it off?

Make no mistake; this is not a genetic problem – it has to do with our thinking! So, having seen the power of meditation, what is the right way of meditating?

The right way to meditate

Probably very few people would enroll for classes on how to meditate. Possibly you never think this would be an important part of your life, or may be you are among the few who would take time to learn how to meditate. And why not? It’s worth the effort!
One should meditate in a way that does not adversely affect their health. But still the question remains, what is the right way to meditate?

Well, let’s consider some few tips… To start with, you must take everything positive. Life is too short to waste on grieving on things you can not change! This may sound impossible, especially in a world where trouble and disappointment seem to be everywhere. But take a second thought – if you lost your job, why can’t you take that as an opportunity to look for a better job than to waste time grieving? Yes, our good friend who was surprised to know that he had a brain should not have seen losing a job as cause for suicide but just as a wakeup call to get a better job, or even to start personal business to ensure job security.

Again as we said, this is what makes all the difference in the world. The right way to improve the way you meditate and therefore your health and chances of success is to take failure as an avenue of learning another way something does not work. That should be a simple rule and if you do that, you will be a star at whatever you do, all because you meditate in the right way.

Then, let us look at this… have you ever thought about the power of thinking about the good things about something before looking at the negative side? Imagine listing the few good things about the person you hate in this world. The moment you come up with one, the others flow in automatically! In that way, you will never find time to get annoyed and your world will always be bright.

Therefore, look no further. All you need is meditating in the right way and, your health and success will hit the roof.

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