Sunday, August 31, 2008

Go Running!

Gone are the days when people used to mosey over to the moor just to feel the gentle breeze that wafted the scent of the pure purlieus. Nowadays, life is on the run 24/7/365. And for restful activities like a carefree stroll, the sands of time are running out! The result is – vacillating blood pressures, feeble bodies, and bulging bellies. Well, when the pressures of life seem to be running us ragged, the best thing we can do is RUN!

Running, not just a fad!

In the late 70s and early 80s, a new phenomenon hit the streets of the USA and Europe. No, we are not talking about disco music; it’s running we are alluding to here. A man named Jim Fixx wrote a book titled The complete Book of Running. It sold like hot cakes, and kicked off the running craze throughout the world. Well, what was once thought of as just a new workout fad is still going strong decades later.

But, why do people run? What is it about this activity that brings so many to it? Well, there are a whole host of reasons for why people run. And different people have their own reasons that range from losing weight to alleviating stress. No matter what reason you run for, you will sure reap rich rewards. Varied research studies have revealed that running not only gives you health benefits, but also buoys up your mind.

Running is wash with benefits

One of the key benefits of running is that it does not call for any kind of equipment. Anyone who has two legs can run! All you need is a good pair of sports shoes and a flat dry surface (a park, ground, pavement, or trail) to run on. You can run anytime, anywhere! And there are no costs involved either. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars a month on gym memberships, aerobics classes, or spa memberships; why not just hit the road.

Most people run to lose weight. With the exception of cross country skiing, running burns more calories per mile than any other exercise. Fitness experts and doctors reckon running to be a great weight loss activity. Other activities (such as cycling) burn off only a few calories for the same distance. So, if you want to shift the pounds, start pounding the pavement. And combine running with a good, balanced diet. This will help you lose weight really fast. Running burns calories which in turn reduces the unnecessary body fat. Besides, running helps build lean muscle tissues which help promote weight loss.

Many people have a mistaken belief that they need to run fast to lose weight. This isn’t true at all. In fact, on average you can lose about 100 calories for each mile you run irrespective of how fast you run. Body size does however play a major role. People who weigh about 220 pounds will burn on average about 120 calories for every mile they run. And people who weigh about 120 pounds burn close to 90 calories for every mile they run.

Ever wondered why you plateau when you try to lose weight? Well, pay close attention! A heavier person’s body is under greater strain than someone who is lighter in weight. Thus, their heart rate increases which in turn burns more calories. When you first start a running regime, the weight seems to fly off. However, as you get lighter, the body doesn’t have to work as hard. Many runners have to then increase their running time to continue weight loss.

Besides weight loss, running is endowed with many other significant health benefits. Running can be really effective in lowering the blood pressure. When you run, there is an increase in the blood flow through the arteries. This forces the arteries to expand and contract to accommodate the extra amount of blood traveling through them. This keeps the arteries flexible and the blood pressure low. Quite often runners have extremely low blood pressure. This isn’t due to poor nourishment, but because of extremely flexible arteries. If you suffer from high blood pressure, consult your doctor before embarking on a jogging program. You will likely be able to do it, but you have to build up gradually.

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