Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Abdominal Massage

Abdominal Massage -

Uddiyana Bandha

& Nauli

Nauli Kriya is aimed at regenerating, invigorating and stimulating the gastro-intestinal and alimentary canal

For this Nauli you should know the Uddiyana Bandha. Uddiyana can be done even in a sitting posture; but Nauli is normally, and best, done standing. Uddiyana Bandha is enumerated as one of the three Bandhas and ten Mudras.

Uddiyana Bandha


Stage I

1. Start by standing erect with your feet 12 inches apart.

2. Rest your hands on your thighs, thus making a slight curve of the back.

3. Exhale totally and completely then contract your abdominal muscles and forcibly draw them towards your spine This is Uddiyana Bandha. It is also the first stage of Nauli.

4. Do this for a week before proceeding to the next stage.
Stage II

1. Now bring all your abdominal muscles to the center by contracting the left and right sides of your abdomen.

2. You will notice all the muscles come in a vertical line in the centre

This is called Madhyama Nauli.

3. Hold it for as long as you can.

4. Maintain the practice for a few days.

Stage III

1. Next contract the right side of your abdomen and allow the left side free. This way you will bring all your muscles to the left. This is called Vama Nauli

2. Then, try contracting your left side and allow the right side free. This is Dakshina Nauli.

3. With regular practice, you will learn to contract your central, left and right abdominal muscles.

4. Practice this for a week until you get a hang of it.

Stage IV

1. Start by bringing the muscles to the centre of your abdomen

2. Slowly take them to the right, then to left.

3. Do this several times from the left to right and then it in a reverse circle. You will feel your abdominal muscles move from side to side, in a circular, rotating motion.

4. This is called churning the stomach. The more you advance in the practice the quicker you will be able to do it

5. This is the last and final stage of Nauli.

In Madhyama Nauli, push your entire muscles forward by contracting the two sides, left and right. When doing Vama Nauli, bend slightly to the right. In Dakshina Nauli, bend a little towards the left and contract your left muscles.


Nauli Kriya is known to cure chronic constipation, dyspepsia and all other diseases of the gastro-intestinal system. It also helps tone up the liver and pancreas, kidneys and other organs of the digestive and urinary tracts.

This practice should, ideally, be also done regularly and integrated into one’s daily routine like bathing or brushing your teeth.

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