Sunday, August 31, 2008

Do you know it is easy to lose weight?

"You must be kidding or you are just ignorant. Losing weight is the single most complicated aspect of all human endeavors. Do you know how much time I have taken or even what I have done just for the sake of losing weight?” Fumed an elderly woman when told weight loss not hard to administer. Like many people across the world, she must have been frustrated in her endeavors to lose weight. But tell you what? She most probably did not know the right way to lose weight!

We failed to accomplish many things in life just because we do not know the right way of doing them, and the same is true for weight loss. To be successful with your weight loss program, you must learn the right way of doing it. So what is that right way?

Just do this…

Sounds like you are reading or listening to a therapist’s instructions. But do not be deceived, this is just the right information – not because it is based on professional grounds but because it has worked for others. So what is the right thing to do?

The first thing is to check the way you think. In most cases you may fail to do what you want to and blame other factors when in fact your mind is the culprit! To be successful with your weight loss program, you must have faith in yourself. It is important that before you make any effort towards losing weight; make yourself believe that you will be successful. Just believe you will lose weight. It may be important to point out that man is only what he thinks in his own mind. If you think you are too huge to reduce weight, then you will never reduce weight. On the other hand, if you remember the days you were comfortable with your weight and believe you have the capacity to cut weight up to that level, then you will lose weight with utmost ease.

The other thing is to check your diet. Like our mindset, we can never be better than what we eat! To lose weight, you must eat the right food. Consider reducing on the amount of fat content you consume. You may try eating more fruits and greens. Not-so-sweet fruits like oranges and some bitter greens may be of help. This is not because they are a punishment to your appetite but because they have a low fat content. When we talk about the diet, we often forget the frequency of eating. That is to say, what is the time interval between one meal and the other and how much do you consume? Eating too little is not advisable but eating too much can be a real hurdle to weight loss. It is therefore important that if you intend to lose weight, you must check on what you eat, when you eat it and how much you eat. The golden rule here is that you just have to eat enough of the right stuff at the right time and always remember its not a punishment!

And if this must also be mentioned – exercise. Losing weight goes with fitness and excretion. So just practice enough of the exercises. Jogging, jumping, yoga, squatting at short regular intervals, stretching and practicing other simple exercises can be of great help. For exercises to be easy and less demanding, they should be done in humid conditions like in the mornings and evenings. Of course exercising is not restricted to these times. The most important thing is that we are not looking at a punishment – so the timing of the exercises must be convenient for you.

It must also be noted that all these strategies must not be used in isolation. Check the mind, the diet and exercise. The result will be a sure way to reduce weight.

So, there you go. Have you seen how easy it can be to lose weight?

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