Sunday, August 31, 2008

How to Avoid Bodybuilding Injuries?

Assuming you went to a foreign country and saw a big color poster standing in the city with the following scribbled on it; ‘Play it safe. There is more to Life. Tomorrow will be sweeter than today. You are not the only one in the world. Just take care!’ What would you think?
You possibly would suggest it was planted there by a charity organization or a government department which is concerned about the recklessness of the people in this city. If you are from a society where people are always conscious about their actions, you would possibly question the relevance of this poster that is to say, whether it is really worth the investment.

But have you ever bothered to think how your bodybuilding or fitness training could lead you into big trouble? Do you know that you can get hurt even when on good cause?
So, what should be done? Should we just abandon all bodybuilding and or, fitness trainings due to fear of injury? The only correct answer to this question is; ‘no, but be conscious of what may happen,’ in simple terms play it cool.

Playing it safe

The phrase ‘playing it safe’ may be typical of a certain group of people in your society. However, it applies to almost everyone. Bodybuilding exercises are sometimes vigorous, and indeed physically demanding. However, they do not have to be such a hefty burden that will lead you into injury. Bodybuilding should be an enjoyable experience!

This means you should enjoy every moment and action of your bodybuilding exercises. But how can this possible with vigorous activity? Simple; start with the exercises you can perform with ease, that is to say with less strain. If you begin with stretching or jogging for a period of about thirty minutes a day, after a week or two, you may be able to increase your exercise time to an hour. Likewise, if you begin with simple exercises, you can then proceed to more physically demanding exercises after some time. This ensures that you keep track of your physical progress and also adapt easily to your exercises as if they are short steps in a staircase. Remember that you are not on a bodybuilding competition. You have a lot of time to develop your body; muscles, bones and joints. So, do not hurry physical activity.

The other important issue is being mindful of the physical location where you are doing the exercises. People living in hilly, stony and or, mountainous areas should take special note. You can reduce the risk of injury by looking for a safer place to exercise. If you live in an urban setting; jogging, riding and or running along the road may be a real risk, especially as one may be knocked by speeding motors. The advice here is to do your exercises at a time when the roads are not busy. It is of course a wise idea to look for a place with limited activity. This guarantees both your safety and your privacy.

You can also reduce the risk of injury by wearing the right exercising clothes, often called sports wear. Now when we talk about sports wear people often think about the very expensive shoes, shorts and jerseys of sportsmen and women. This is not necessarily what is meant. You should get something affordable; one that fits within your personal means. If you are doing jogging exercises, it may be a good idea to look for canvass shoes and strong cotton socks. Depending on where you do exercises from, wearing a pair of shorts is a good idea, even if you are a woman. Light tops are also advised, especially to allow aeration around the body and avoid excess heat during the physical exercises.

Therefore, bodybuilding should be handled with care. It should be taken not as a punishment, nor as a strict therapy but it should be fun. It should be enjoyable and should not cause any stress but also, should be done with care in consideration of the prevailing environmental factors.

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