Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bodybuilding Guide

"I wanna build my muscles, have big muscles and become a hunk better than those basket ball stars,” shouted one young lad pointing to a well built sportsman on a TV screen. Yes, it is a well known and rightly conceived desire of most young people to have bigger muscles that is to say, to ‘build their bodies’ as it is often called. Whereas they do have the drive and passion to ‘build their bodies’, they at times do not know what they need to do to succeed with their desires. They are often frustrated and at times feel they are not doing enough to grow their muscles. It should be noted that body building is not only restricted to young men. Men of all sizes desire to build their muscles, and this is very right! Physical fitness is key to a healthy living.

Women also rightly ‘build their bodies’, especially when it comes to the desire for rounded bodies. And please, this is very right and commendable. One should mind the way he or she looks, irrespective of gender and size. We all deserve the best!

The young man who wanted to be as muscular as the basketball stars later revealed that he did not know how to fulfill his dream. You may be in this category or you possibly know one who is in this category. If this is the case, take heart. You couldn’t have come across a better therapy. Today you have found a guide that will help you ‘build your body’ within a short time, with less stress, and without spending too much. So here we go…

The best muscles in the shortest period

If you have cared to read up to this stage, then you desire the best. And your search for the best is not misplaced; you are going to have that well built body your have always dreamed about and in so short a period. So what will you do to achieve this?

a) Eat the right food at the right time; this is a simple rule. Nobody is advising you to eat the most expensive foods but the right food. But what is that we are calling, ‘right food’? What we are talking about here is a balanced diet. If you are to be successful in body building, you will need to eat foods of all classes. It is advisable to eat enough fruits, greens, milk, eggs, legumes and cereals (whole grains), fish, starch foods like potatoes, cassava, yams and the like. You will also need to sun bathe and drink plenty of water. This will keep you healthy and indeed help in building your body. Whereas proteins are emphasized as body building foods, they need to be accompanied with all the other foods as well.

b) Regular exercising is also of great value. You can not have a well-built body unless you exercise regularly. In some cases you may need to go to the gym, but if this is a bit costly, there are lots of exercises you can do even at home. You can jog, run, jump, stretch, play foot ball and do press-ups, and several other engaging tasks at home.

c) Maintaining a positive mental attitude and reducing stress. In most cases, we do not succeed with our body building programs because although we do all other things perfectly, we are always stressed. Stress can rightly be described as a strength suppressant. It is a deadly weapon that will render all your efforts to ‘build the body’ futile. This means if you are to succeed with body building, then reduce stress levels. Do not take a lot of time thinking about your failures and problems, even if they are about other aspects of life. Give yourself enough time to relax and always think positive. And when you are trying to do body building, do not underestimate yourself. Issues like height, age, weight, physical ability, gender and many more should not disturb you and to assure you, they have no effect on your body building campaign. Any one can have well-built muscles and we all deserve them, irrespective of our other differences.

With this, you will get what you want in an unbelievably short period. So, on your marks, set and go…

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